Nueces Design Group

© Copyright 2021 NDG Design.
All Rights Reserved.

about us

The People who Design are the Same People who Get It Done

At Nueces Design Group, we don’t work in a vacuum.  The projects we design are created with specific products that we know can be acquired quickly and affordably, without sacrificing style.  When clients are overwhelmed with constraints, (budget, space, and time), our know-how and expertise enables us to complete the project while satisfying all your requirements. We are hands-on, available, and there for our clients through the finish line.  We get it done.

Founders: Suzanna Richter, Rachel Weisz

             In 2019, Nueces Design Group was founded, combining Suzanna’s real estate acumen and design proficiency with Rachel’s purchasing experience and operational skills.  Using their unique abilities to command time-sensitive projects and catering to the varying needs of different industries, Nueces Design Group always brings visions to life, on budget, on time.    

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